A boss and a leader are wildly different creatures. The boss lurks behind to prod, goad, and threaten workers, or stands in front to entice them to do jobs they would never do otherwise. A leader, by contrast, burrows into the hearts of employees and sets them afire with a desire to do those very things. This book offers a road-map to wean managers away from the carrots-and-sticks approach and to empower them with tools to motivate workers from within. Each reader is thrust into a centrifuge and spun until the weightier qualities of a leader have been separated out and the superficial features of a boss may be cast off, leaving only pure leadership behind. Years later, those uninformed souls who never witnessed the transformation stand in awe of one they mistakenly call a “born leader,” one who exerts an almost magical spell over those being led. Leaders are not born, but built as you scale the Leadership Pyramid.