[OUT OF STOCK FOREVER, but you can purchase a PDF copy here.] False perceptions of reality, most of them buried in the subconscious mind, constitute life’s greatest obstacle to success and happiness. Instilled in us by childhood experiences, these faulty assumptions reach from the past to paralyze potential, prevent change, and wreak havoc in relationships. Difficult parents, traumatic events, or harsh words spoken in the early years of life can write nearly indelible messages on the psyche, ones that are then dragged into and through adult life, influencing behavior and devastating self-esteem. These “Grand Illusions” become the source of baffling and frustrating patterns of conduct that are counter-productive or even self-destructive. By replacing these Grand Illusions with even Grander Realities, you will chart a new course for your life and regain control of your destiny. READ CHAPTER ONE HERE.
Replace Your Grand Illusions With Grander Realities (PAPERBACK BOOK)

Motivating Workers Can Be a Real Trick
The Secrets of Human Motivation: Getting employees to do what you want them to do can be a real trick, but managers have developed four distinct approaches to the subject: Sticks, Carrots, Intrinsic, and Humanitarian. Everyone who has ever worked for an angry boss can understand why I call them “Stick Men” (or women). STICK […]

Video of Billy Performing the World’s Second-Best Card Trick!
He did this for 1500 people in Houston in August of 2023. He’ll be happy to do the absolute world’s best card trick for you in person, but it’s too small to do for more than 20 people. The magic and comedy in Billy Riggs’ programs is just a vehicle to engage the audience and […]

THE HIGH COST OF INCENTIVES: Why Paying People More Money Often Reduces Their Productivity
In a head-scratcher that has been documented in numerous studies, giving people monetary rewards routinely reduces performance. But why? How do you know when offering cash rewards will help or hurt? Consider five quick mysteries. MYSTERY NUMBER ONE: Go back in time with me to 1995. You are a fly on the wall in a […]